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Minecraft Guide for Beginners + Game Mode and Objectives Explained

Minecraft isn’t like your typical video game. There aren’t any obvious objectives or any real tutorials to help you get started. So this beginner’s Minecraft guide will help you get prepared for your very first.

A Complete Minecraft Guide for Beginner to Survive in Minecraft

In this part of the beginner’s guide, we’ll teach you how to harvest material, build your first tools, and establish a shelter where you can spend your nights in peace, comfort, and quiet.

Step One: Build a Crafting Table to Play Minecraft 

The first objective to set for yourself is simple: Build a Crafting Table. In order to do so, you’ll need to attack a tree to gather some Woodblocks.

You can obtain wood by holding down the left mouse button on PC or the right trigger on your console controller. The process should require around 15 quick hits with your fist whilst aiming at a tree and the log will break so that you can pick it up. Make sure that you replant any Saplings that fall from the overhead leaf blocks. After a while, they will grow into trees. You should also try and break the leaves on the tree to try and get some apples, they are quick and easy to obtain and you will need them for later. About 16 wood will do for now, trees will always be available if you need any more.

You can now use your newly acquired log blocks to create Wooden Planks. Go into the crafting screen in your inventory (tap “E” on PC, Mac, or Linux) and drag the wood block into one of the crafting slots at the top of the screen. On Xbox, this action is even easier: just hit X and select the wooden planks. “Wooden Planks” should appear in the box on the right–click the wooden planks or hit X to turn your wood blocks into planks, which have a wider variety of uses than wood in its purest form.

On PC/Mac/Linux, remove any wood blocks left in the crafting area and then fill all four spots in the crafting area with these new wooden planks, which will then output a crafting table. On consoles, open the crafting menu and select the table from the menu to build it. Move the crafting table into the bottom row of your inventory.

Exit the crafting screen by pressing E on PC or B on your Xbox controller, and you should be able to hold the crafting table in your hands. Find a suitable spot to place the table by right-clicking on PC/Mac/Linux or hitting L on Xbox. Once the crafting table is set, you can right-click or press L on the table to access more advanced crafting options.

Note: If you ever need to move the crafting table to another spot, just break it apart with your punches and pick up the remaining block. It will re-appear in your inventory.

Step Two: Build Tools in Minecraft 

Since you’ve now built a crafting table, you are able to craft a variety of tools, like a Wooden Pickaxe. These tools will help you accomplish tasks such as mining and Farming. Start by going into the crafting screen (either your personal crafting screen or the crafting table crafting screen, pressing the default key for the inventory E default for PC) and positioning two wooden planks vertically in the crafting area. The output should be a set of four Sticks. Craft a handful of these sticks while keeping a few wooden planks handy.

Jump into the crafting table’s crafting area and create a T-formation with the sticks positioned vertically and the wooden blocks arranged horizontally on top of the sticks (see the screenshot below). This will output a wooden pickaxe. On the console version, you can do all this directly from the menu; there’s no need to position items.

The wooden pickaxe is a very weak pickaxe, but it’s a first step on the path to building a better pickaxe. Start digging into a hillside to uncover some Stone and use the wooden pickaxe to break up the stone. (If you use your bare hands to break the stone, it will take longer and you will not actually produce any stone blocks).

Gather the stone blocks and you can then use the crafting table to form a Stone Pickaxe, with a wooden plank handle and a stone tip. To select advanced pickaxes like the stone pickaxe, on consoles, you have to select the axe option on the crafting menu and push Up or Down on the left analog stick to display any variations. Until you get better materials, the stone pickaxe will be your main workhorse tool.

You can create a few other tools in much the same way. Although the pickaxe is your main implement for mining, you’ll want to have more planks to build with, so an axe is going to be handy to quickly harvest material before the first nightfall. You may also want to make a Shovel (2 sticks in the middle row from the bottom up, and wooden plank on top) for gathering Sand and Clay to make Glass and Bricks, respectively, but you won’t need those right away.

Step Three: Build a Shelter to Survive the Night in Minecraft 

Unless you’re playing in Peaceful mode, you’ll find yourself extremely vulnerable at the start of the game. When you start to hear music play, you’ll know it’s almost nighttime, and once the sun goes down, zombies, creepers and skeletons will spawn all around you. Because of this, you’ll need to learn how to build a house in Minecraft.

One of the most basic shelters you can build is created by simply digging into a hillside or into the ground. You can pick up destroyed blocks (or almost any block, really) and use them to build walls around you. Try digging a hole into a hillside and then using the dirt remnants to build up a wall behind you, blocking yourself in.

This will keep you safe, but you’re going to have to wait through the morning, and that gets tedious after a while. While the night passes, you might want to collect and mine a bit around your shelter and make more tools. Tomorrow you can go out and gather more materials.

You can also create torches if you have found coal, or if you have not found coal yet you can make charcoal by placing a solid piece of wood in the top slot of a Furnace and any other flammable object (wooden fence post, wooden planks, wooden stairs, spare wooden tools, etc.) the bottom slot. then simply go to your crafting table and put a few pieces of charcoal or coal on top of some sticks to create torches. Torches help light up your house and also prevent monsters from spawning inside, they also make it handy to see better in caves.

Step Four: Understanding the Hunger Meter and Gathering Food in Minecraft  Game

You now have a shelter and tools but you are missing the one necessity for survival – food.

As you walk, sprint, and jump, you’ll begin to use up energy indicated by your hunger meter, your hunger meter will be on the bottom right of your screen and is represented by chunks of meat. As your hunger meter begins to drain you will lose the ability to regenerate health when having lost 2 hunger and sprint when having lost everything but 3 parts of your hunger meter. And you will only be to regain these abilities by consuming food and replenishing the bar.

The different difficulty modes will affect your hunger meter. In peaceful mode, your hunger meter will not deplete over time. On easy and normal it will degrade over time, resulting in an inability to regain health and sprint – when it reaches zero, your health will drain until half health on easy, and half a heart on normal. On hardcore when it reaches zero it will drain your health until you die.

To replenish your hunger meter you must eat food. Early on your main source of food will come from animals like cows, pigs, and chickens. Simply kill one of these animals and retrieve the meat it drops.

You can immediately eat the raw meat to gain a few hunger points back but to gain the full effect you will want to cook it first, especially chicken because of the slight chance to lose even more hunger. Go mine some eight stone and some coal. Once you have retrieved the materials, Open up your crafting table and fill every space except for the center with cobblestone. Select the furnace and place it on the ground.

Put your coal in the bottom spot of the furnace along with the food in the top spot and wait about ten seconds for the food to cook. (1 piece of coal cooks 8 pieces of meat, don’t waste fuel!) Take the food out once it’s cooked and consume to gain more hunger points.

Later on, you can start making farms like wheat farms or mushroom farms, or even melon farms if you find the materials.

Selecting the right game mode in Minecraft

Minecraft offers several different game modes that allow you to experience the open world in a unique way. The following types of Minecraft game modes are available:

  • Survival — after randomly being spawned in a new world, players have to try to survive by gathering material, building shelter, gaining experience, and fighting off hostile mobs.
  • Creative — a game mode where players have immediate access to almost all blocks and items, are invulnerable and immune to death, and have the ability to fly. The purpose of this game mode is to create/design unique worlds.
  • Adventure — players interact with objects (levers, buttons) and mobs to complete an adventure.
  • Spectator — invisible to everything and cannot interact with blocks, entities, or your inventory. This mode is typically used to observe other players’ created worlds.
  • Hardcore — similar to survival mode, Hardcore is set to the “hard” difficulty level permanently and players cannot respawn; once you die, the map is deleted (or you permanently become a spectator).
Starting Objectives to Survive in Minecraft 

Here are some beginner tips to give you more help if you are having trouble figuring out how to survive!

  • Collect resources! Grabbing wood is essential as you need wood to create tools and weapons. Coal would also be ideal to create torches and fuel for cooking if you happen to collect any raw food or ore.
  • You will need to create a crafting table which can be done by turning your logs into planks, simply place the logs in the crafting area and you will see the output. Four planks are needed to craft a workbench.
  • Once you have a crafting bench (preferably in a safe area where you plan to create a shelter or house, creating a door is essential for entry and departure. You will need 6 planks to craft one.
  • Torches can be crafted with sticks and coal or charcoal, by placing sticks on the bottom and a coal or charcoal above it. Hostile mobs do not like to spawn near light so placing them in and around your house is a good strategy.
  • To cook food and smelt ores, crafting a furnace is essential. You will need 8 cobblestone to craft one.
  • After you have created a furnace, to mine ores such as redstone, diamonds, or obsidian you will need higher tier tools to break them. You can create an iron pickaxe by finding iron ore in a cave or on a hillside and putting that in your furnace along with some coal. You will need 3 iron ingots and 2 sticks for 1 iron pickaxe.
  • After you have created a house make sure to create a bed to set your spawn point and set the time of day to the morning if you decide to sleep at night.
  • If you rest in a bed it will set your respawn point. To craft a bed, you will need 3 wool and 3 planks. You can find wool by either shearing sheep or crafting wool from string. Sheep will also drop wool upon death.
  • Swords are essential for defending yourself from hostile mobs and can be crafted with wood, stone, iron, gold, diamond and netherite.

After this point you will have a decent start to playing Minecraft survival and we urge you to continue exploring to discover more creatures, blocks, and adventures!

Is there a Minecraft guide?

Having a Minecraft guide to hand can really help you out, whether you’re planning on constructing your own world within the game or just going on an adventure. … There’s an endless array of options and things you can do to change the appearance, the mechanics, and how the game works.

How do I start playing Minecraft?

Getting started with Minecraft is super easy. First, you need to purchase and install the game. After installation is complete, simply start the game by running the launcher you downloaded from the Minecraft homepage, which also gives you the option to play from your browser.

Is Minecraft OK for a 7 year old?

Because of its complexity, potential for mild violence, and online community, we recommend Minecraft for kids age 8 and up. If you have younger kids who want to play but aren’t quite ready, you have options. These Minecraft alternatives can occupy them with a very similar style, without some of the tougher stuff

Who is the best Minecraft player?

He’s renowned for his player-versus-player combat skills, and his knowledge of the game mechanics and how to use them to his advantage. Technoblade has had some respectable accomplishments over the years. He’s beaten Minecraft Hardcore Mode utilizing a steering wheel as a controller.

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