
Mistakes Freelancers Make ! Common Mistakes New Freelancers Make

Mistakes Freelancers Make

The Top Mistakes New Freelancers Make

New freelancers make common mistakes. These common mistakes of novice freelancers cause them to not earn enough money and regret this style of work!

Freelancing should be considered a lifestyle.

People who work as freelancers instead of employees are in fact their boss. They will be able to earn more by working harder and showing more creativity, unlike employees who receive a fixed salary and cannot increase their income more than a certain amount.

Reasons for choosing a freelance lifestyle and work

Some people prefer to experience freelancing in addition to working as an employee in a particular company, so that in addition to a fixed salary, they also have a variable salary from the location of various projects. In other words, freelancing is not in conflict with the employee and both can be done in parallel by planning and reducing leisure time.

Mistakes New Freelancers Make

For another group of people, freelancing is a must. In other words, they have not yet been able to find the job they want in a suitable company, while they need to do work, gain experience and especially earn money.

The most common mistakes of novice freelancers

Regardless of the purpose of choosing a freelancer style of work, one must adhere to a set of rules. Contrary to popular belief, being outside the framework of a company and its superiors not only does not make freelancing without its own rules and procedures, but also increases the importance of the rule of law in it, because if you do not adhere to the specific freelancing framework, it is much easier. The route is off and you will not earn any income. In the following, we will point out the most common mistakes of beginner freelancers.

Freelancing and teleworking training

Freelancers start working without a plan

The freelancing industry is developing very fast and more and more people are turning to it. In 2018, of the 327 million people in the United States, 56 million were freelancers. Before entering this world, you must thoroughly evaluate the field of work in which you decide to work, otherwise, you will not be crushed under the feet of experienced people and you will not earn significant income. Novice freelancers should give clear answers to the following questions:

  • What are you selling?
  • How much should the service or products you offer cost?
  • What are your competitors? What are your strengths / weaknesses compared to your competitors?
  • What advantages do you have compared to the competitors in your bag?
  • How do you get started earning a living as a freelancer?
  • What strategies do you have in place to find a project and gain a client?

Some people quit their office work in the hope of earning more money from freelancing and spend a lot of money to turn their room into a good workplace without doing enough research beforehand. One of the most common mistakes made by novice freelancers is not recognizing the status of the job area. Your field of work as a freelancer may already be saturated and you may not be able to make good money from it.


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You can get help from experienced freelancers. Before you start, first consider your abilities, specializations and skills, and then define a field of work based on market needs. From the beginning, have a specific plan and know where you are going to get the project. If necessary, spend some time learning a new specialty with careful research and planning.

Ignoring the etiquette of sending emails

Freelancers communicate online with project applicants as well as their partners. Most of them prefer messaging software to email, but in some cases, such as receiving a project from an official company or contacting someone who is not eager to communicate with you in a messenger, you will have to send and receive email.

Most freelancers also prefer to receive confirmations of how the project is progressing via email and archive them more formally. Other classes of freelancers are not really their own boss and work remotely for one or more specific companies. They also need to send e-mail for official correspondence.

How to correspond via email is significantly different from the correct way to communicate in messengers. Not only companies requesting, but also ordinary people requesting the project to be implemented by freelancers, will pay attention to the customs of email correspondence and will ignore them as unprofessional. You may be surprised to see this option, but in any case, not paying attention to the etiquette of sending and receiving emails is one of the most common mistakes of novice freelancers and will cause them to lose their customers in the beginning.

Not having a website or having an inappropriate website

Contrary to popular belief, having a website is not a privilege for a freelancer and is a must. Freelancers need a website far more than companies. A company has a physically small office, but freelancers often work from home and do not have a fixed location. The absence of a physical branch necessitates the creation of virtual branches.

In the beginning, insisting on having a very professional and stylish website is not full of examples of your work. All you have to do is put a biography page, contact form and a series of useful information such as frequently asked questions on the website. You need more than luck to succeed in affiliate business. For example, starting with the right keywords to generate content and then constantly writing content on the blog. However, in the beginning, the importance of writing a professional and effective biography on a separate page is more important than other measures. Then you can develop your unique brand by relying on the techniques of building a powerful brand based on the latest digital marketing techniques.

Without a website, you will have a bad impact on your customers. Postponing a website is one of the most common mistakes made by novice freelancers, causing them to grow slowly.

Depending on how the website relates to the freelancer’s field of work, it also increases its professional design and presentation of special and functional capabilities within it. For example, a photographer is not going to provide a specific service to customers on his website, and this virtual branch will only be used for actions such as portfolio display. But for a freelancer active in the field of site design, the website should be as stylish, beautiful and free of technical problems as possible.

Unclear communication channels

As a freelancer, you need to be clear to your customers about how to communicate with them. Years ago, as in the early 1990s, there were different ways to introduce freelancers to others. For example, until a few years ago, distributing business cards was the most common way for freelancers to market to get to know more people. Although this method is still important and one should not neglect the printing and publishing of business cards along with other old marketing methods, but the most focus should be on new methods.

According to the previous section, one of the main actions of novice freelancers is website design. The reason for emphasizing this issue is its great impact on the discussion of informing customers about how to communicate with the executor. In addition to the contact form, you must include your name and surname, contact number, email address, messaging software IDs such as Telegram and, if necessary, the IDs of other social networks such as Instagram.

Unfortunately, as a freelancer, you do not have specific working hours (for others), so it is unlikely that customers will contact you at any time of the day or night. You should always be available and answer calls. Losing a call means losing a customer and referring it to a competing freelancer. If you are not able to answer your cell phone at any time during certain hours of the day, be sure to mention this in front of your contact number.


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Loss of focus and unplanned

Some use it as a freelancer instead of making the most of the blessings of the presidency, so that they no longer have a specific time to work and work completely arbitrarily, outside of a specific framework. They sleep more at night and do not put pressure on themselves to get out of bed, such as when they have to get to the office at a certain time.

Getting out of the box and losing focus as one of the most common mistakes novice freelancers make is not just about not having clear working hours. Some freelancers do not try to keep their workplace at home exactly like an office environment, where someone acts as their supervisor. For this reason, while doing work, they listen to music or, intermittently, send messages to others in the messenger software or check YouTube to watch the video.

Freelancers will easily lose their focus and their lives will be completely different if they do not have to have a specific work plan. Disruption of the work schedule disrupts their sleep rhythm, which in turn disrupts their entire lives.

Make the most of the benefits of freelancing and the flexibility of your work schedule.

Now that you no longer have to go to a specific place to work and waste several hours getting to work, wake up early and get your work done very quickly without losing focus. You are now your own boss, so completing a project earlier means freeing up time for more projects or spending free time doing other things.