Karate Kid: Legends is set to hit theaters on May 30, 2025, continuing the beloved franchise with a fresh story while bridging connections between the original 1984 Karate Kid, the 2010 reboot, and Netflix’s Cobra Kai. The much-anticipated film stars Jackie Chan as Mr. Han and Ralph Macchio as Daniel LaRusso, alongside newcomer Ben Wang as Li Fong, the next martial arts prodigy.
Karate Kid legends Plot Overview
Set in New York City, Karate Kid: Legends follows Li Fong, a teenager adjusting to life after moving from Beijing with his mother, played by Ming-Na Wen. Li befriends someone in need and enters a karate competition, but his kung fu skills alone aren’t enough. Mr. Han enlists Daniel LaRusso’s help, merging their teaching styles to train Li for an ultimate martial arts showdown.
ralph macchio ben wang
Ralph Macchio has been a cornerstone of The Karate Kid legacy since his debut as Daniel LaRusso in the original 1984 film. His portrayal of the underdog student under the guidance of Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) became iconic, with the character embodying resilience and the value of discipline. Macchio reprised his role in two sequels and brought LaRusso back to life in the hit Netflix series Cobra Kai, where the character is now a mentor and business owner grappling with past rivalries and new challenges.
Karate Kid: Legends could further expand the franchise’s lore, potentially revisiting themes or characters tied to Macchio’s LaRusso, whether through nostalgic callbacks or entirely new perspectives on the legendary teachings of Mr. Miyagi. Ralph Macchio’s continued involvement ensures a seamless connection between the classic films and any new additions to the franchise.
Will dbe connected to Cobra Kai?
The upcoming film arrives on the heels of Cobra Kai’s conclusion in February 2025. With a nostalgic reunion of iconic characters and the introduction of a new generation, Karate Kid: Legends aims to bring fans old and new together for a thrilling experience.
As the Karate Kid saga continues, Karate Kid: Legends promises to honor its legacy while delivering fresh, action-packed drama for fans worldwide.
Karate Kid: Legends will be set in the same universe as the original Karate Kid trilogy, the 2010 remake, and the Cobra Kai series. However, it is not a direct sequel to Cobra Kai. Instead, it takes place chronologically after Cobra Kai within the shared universe, offering a fresh story while maintaining connections to the franchise’s legacy.
A Connection Across Generations
Director Jonathan Entwistle revealed that the film ties together the original timeline and the reboot universe. The Han and Miyagi families share a deep historical connection, bridging the stories of Mr. Miyagi and Mr. Han. Entwistle has worked closely with the creators of Cobra Kai to ensure continuity across the franchise.
as Entwistle’s said:
Without giving too much away, I can say that Mr. Han and Mr. Miyagi are the connection to Daniel. The Han family and the Miyagi family are connected all the way back to the old times. And there is a mention of this within the Karate Kid movie canon for those people who want to go looking for it.
The film was initially slated for a 2024 release but was delayed due to production issues. The newly revealed first-look images feature Chan, Macchio, and Wang strategizing over a map of New York’s boroughs and Li undergoing intense martial arts training. These visuals highlight the blend of heartfelt storytelling and high-octane action fans can expect.