Josh Brolin, known for portraying iconic characters like Thanos (Avengers), Cable (Deadpool 2), and Gurney Halleck (Dune), recently shared his mixed feelings about attending Comic-Con events. During an appearance on The Graham Norton Show alongside Cher, Michael Fassbender, and Keira Knightley, Brolin opened up about the unique challenges posed by fan interactions at conventions.
While he appreciates the passion and dedication of fans, he admitted that some questions leave him completely stumped. Reflecting on his experiences, Brolin recalled an encounter with a fan who asked, “Did you ever realize, I’m sorry to bother you, but did you ever realize that if you had the power to kill half the universe, you probably also had the power to create twice the resources?” His humorous response? “Next!”
Brolin’s comments highlight the tricky balance between engaging with fans and handling overanalyzed scenarios that actors themselves have no control over. As he pointed out, he simply brings the characters to life; the creative logic behind their actions often lies with the writers and filmmakers.
The anecdote resonates with similar moments in Hollywood, such as Ben Affleck’s infamous critique of the plot logic in Armageddon, proving that even seasoned actors sometimes struggle with fan or production choices.
Ultimately, Brolin’s advice for Comic-Con attendees is clear: “If you see me at a convention, just let me know you appreciate the work. Skip the brain-teasers!”